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Window Tinting Demo

Amazing! Watch as our installers test the strength of our front door window security films. Our Safety/Security Films meet many certification and test standards used in real world situations. All Pro Window Tinting is North Georgia’s Premier window tint company, servicing the Atlanta area with a full line of Automotive, Residential, and Commercial tints.

Solar Gard Window Films: Who We Are.

For over 30 years, Solar Gard® Window Films have been the Professional’s Window Tinter’s choice and one of the most popular window film lines for professional installers throughout the world.

Madico Safety Film Demo - No Film versus Film

Demonstration of glass intrusion with and without safety film applied.

Window Film and Energy Efficient Buildings

This video explains how Window Film technology contributes to recent European Union energy efficiency targets for new and existing buildings. The video was produced by EWFA – European Window Film Association.

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