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Sunsafe Window Films

Tel: 619-453-1431
Tel: 619-253-8348

Email: [email protected]

Contractor License # 985585

Located in Encinitas, California
Serving San Diego and the Surrounding Area

Anthony & Dominick Uccello
Anthony & Dominick Uccello
How To Measure Each Pane of Glass in inches, since we supply materials in 36", 48", 60", & 72" rolls of film.
How To Measure Each Pane of Glass in inches, since we supply materials in 36″, 48″, 60″, & 72″ rolls of film.

Above is a diagram that is color coded to help you understand how to take measurements on windows. First thing to remember is that each window pane is treated as a separate window treatment. The middle window in the diagram above is the best example of treating each window pane separately. The broken green dots represent the widest and tallest measurement on an odd shaped window. The blue arrows represent the height measurement, the red arrows represent the width measurement.

For further question or inquires, please reach out to us directly. Thank you.

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